The Ground Electronics Maintenance Occupational Field includes the installation; inspection and classification; servicing, adjustment, and tuning; repair; modification; recovery and evacuation; overhauling and rebuilding; and testing and calibration of electronic equipment and systems used by Marine Corps Ground Forces.
The equipment includes various types of communications transmission systems, information technology systems, intelligence processing systems, tactical sensor systems, cryptographic devices, artillery electronics systems, digital fire control systems, unmanned aerial vehicle electronics, miscellaneous non-communication systems, electronic jamming systems, and a wide range of test equipment and calibration devices.
Qualifications to work in this field include manual dexterity, normal color vision, be eligible to hold a secret security clearance, the ability to understand highly technical material, and to comprehend complex mathematical and logic principles. Formal schooling is provided to all Marines entering this field.
Billets for Ground Electronics Maintenance Personnel are found throughout the Marine Corps, but are concentrated within units having specific electronic or service support missions. Marines in this field may serve within division or wing units, MLG, MHG or supporting establishments.