The linguist occupational field contains secondary MOS's used to identify specific foreign language skills. Marines with this MOS will serve across the entire Marine Corps, providing communication ability with the locals in assigned areas of operation. This MOS is open to Marines of all ranks.
Qualifications require Marines attend a formal language school or designated language dialect course and obtain and maintain a minimum proficiency in two modalities (listening, reading, or speaking) on the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT).
The DLPT is the current Department of Defense standard to determine foreign language proficiency and maintain quality control.
Duties involve participation in activities requiring foreign language skills in support of the full range of military operations and intelligence matters encountered during contingencies, operations, and exercises.
Formal schooling is provided to those Marines entering this occupational field as a part of the comprehensive training program for designated billets. These MOSs will be assigned and voided by the Director of Intelligence only.
Languages are broken into three categories, or tiers, that correspond to special Language Pay that Marines can earn based on meeting the minimum required proficiency.

Successfully complete the required course of instruction at the Defense Language Institute, Language Training Detachment, or designated government-funded language course and achieve minimum ILR proficiency as required in two modalities of listening, reading or speaking portions of the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT). (Note: By exception individuals may also qualify for this MOS by demonstrating proficiency in the appropriate language).
Maintain minimum ILR level proficiency as required in two modalities of listening, reading, or speaking portions of the DLPT.
Conducts interpretation and translation of foreign language to English and English to foreign language using phraseology selected to preserve the original intent, meaning, and emphasis
Phrases ideas to avoid language that is stilted, unnatural, or difficult to understand.
Displays an impartial attitude toward each speaker as to facts and opinions expressed.
Interprets into either English or foreign language statements made by participants in meetings, working parties, or similar non-technical activities.
Interviews friendly non-English speaking civilians such as police, clergymen, and other Citizens to obtain information of military value.
May be required to assist in the writing of reports, including opinion as to the credibility of the person interviewed, for use by unit commander and for dissemination to lower, adjacent, and higher headquarters.
Translates into either English or the foreign language, written material of a non-technical nature.
Establishes an archive file of language reference materials and lexical aids such as English to foreign language and foreign language to English dictionaries, cultural dictionaries, and glossaries of military terms.