Marines are assigned to units on military bases or other Marine Corps and government facilities in support of their mission. The place where a Marine's unit operates from is known as a Duty Station.
The Marines have units all over the country and the rest of the globe. The Marine Expeditionary Force, or MEF, is the senior warfighting organization which the Marine Corps is based. Visit the maps below to learn where the MEFs are located, where they are stationed, and what units are at each location.

This MEF is the parent organization of 3rd Marine Division, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, and 1st Marine Aircraft Wing. III MEF is posted at locations throughout the Pacific at locations such as Okinawa, Japan and Hawaii.
I MEF Bases:
MCB Camp Smedley Butler
MCB Hawaii
MCAS Iwakuni
MCAS Futenma

The Marine Corps maintains multiple installations which support the warfighter from afar. Whether executing training or conducting critical maintenance, these installations provide the Marine Corps the key personnel and equipment needed to execute its missions.
MCB Quantico
MCRD Parris Island
MCRD San Diego
MWTC Bridgeport
MCLB Albany
MCLB Barstow