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Per the Recruit Training Order, these are the Official Graduation Requirements. To graduate from Recruit Training on either depot, each recruit is required to complete a specific set of requirements to earn the title of Marine. These obligatory events each have a minimum score or a pass/fail requirement to achieve completion.
Title | Event Info |
Battalion Commander’s Inspection | Pass/Fail event. New Marines must show their battalion commander sharp discipline and military knowledge to successfully tackle this inspection. |
The Crucible | Pass/Fail event. Completed in a field environment over a 54-hour period. Failures are either recycled or sent home from training. |
Marine Corps Martial Arts Tan Belt | Pass/Fail event. Recruits are tested on all armed and unarmed techniques required for basic hand-to-hand combat. |
Combat Fitness Test | 150 of 300 Possible Points. Timed .5 mile, ammo-can lift, and modified shuttle run. |
Physical Fitness Test | 150 of 300 Possible Points. Timed 3-mile run, 2-minute crunches, and pull-ups. Recruits may opt to complete timed plank in lieu of crunches or push-ups in lieu of pullups. |
Rifle Qualification | 180 of 350 Possible Points. Service scored in two phases of static shooting |
Swim Qualification | Pass/Fail event. Abandon ship simulation, 25-meter swim, 4-minute tread water, 25-meter pack swim, and shallow water gear shed. |
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