The decision to marry a Marine will forever change your life. As a Marine spouse, you and your children will experience many new and foreign situations most civilians will never face. You are also provided a number of benefits and entitlements civilian families only dream of. In the following page we will guide you through some facets of being a member of the extended Marine family. We will also give you some tools to help you understand everything going on in your Marine's life so you can help them through their careers.

Before we begin to describe the benefits, lifestyle, and other factors of being a Marine family, it is important we define what a "dependant" is. According to the DoD Comptroller, a dependent is a Spouse, unmarried child under 21, to include those adopted or a stepchild, and any child under 23 who is enrolled in full-time college studies. In some cases, a child over 21 or a parent with mental or physical incapacity may also be granted dependent status by request of your Marine.
Understanding who is and is not a dependent is essential to determining the privileges afforded to Marines loved ones. It is important to note that siblings, girlfriends, boyfriends, and illegitimate children are not considered dependents for the purpose of this page without civil action to determine dependency.

From medical insurance to exchange privileges, when marry a active duty Marine or your spouse joins the Marine Corps, you and your children are provided a whole new world of amenities. We will guide you through these here.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to shoot us a message on FaceBook, Instagram, or Email!
Active Duty Marines, Reserve Marines, spouses, children, and retirees are all eligible to receive to health insurance through the Tricare system. Family members receive their normal services from a civilian or military physician aboard an installation, and they can receive specialty services either on an installation or from a civilian specialist with referral from their primary physician. Dental insurance is optional and is provided by United Concordia; this election of services is paid directly by the service member.
To learn more about Medical, check out our benefits page.