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Counterintelligence/Human intelligence (Cl/HUMINT) Specialist

MOS Facts
MOS Type:
Primary MOS
Cpl - MSgt
MOS School:
Dam Neck, VA
Combat Arms?
Bottom Line, Up Front:
Counterintelligence/Human Source Intelligence Specialists are involved in all facets of planning and conducting CI and HUMINT operations and activities. They are expected to possess a working knowledge of the organization, operations, and techniques employed by foreign intelligence services and terrorist organizations.

MOS Description and Mission
The 0211 CI/HUMINT Primary MOS is one of the most sought after MOS's in the Marine Corps. CI/HUMINT Specialists are involved in all facets of planning and conducting CI and HUMINT operations and activities.
CI activities are concerned with identifying and counteracting the threat to friendly forces by hostile intelligence organizations, or by persons engaged in espionage, sabotage, subversion or terrorism. HUMINT activities are designed to obtain intelligence information where the human being is the primary collection instrument. CI/HUMINT specialists are expected to possess a working knowledge of the organization, operations, and techniques employed by foreign intelligence services and terrorist organizations.
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