Assault Amphibian School
Camp Pendleton, CA
Assault Amphibian School teaches the entry level courses required to achieve the 1833 Assault Amphibian Crewmember MOS and 2141 Assault Amphibious Vehicle Repairer/Technician MOS.
1833 MOS
Upon completion of the Assault Amphibious Vehicle (IV) Crewman Course, a Marine will be awarded the military occupational specialty of 1833. The purpose of this course is to provide the training necessary to serve as a crewman of an Assault Amphibious Vehicle. AAV crewmen perform various duties incident to the operation and maintenance of assault amphibious vehicles and the Upgun Weapons Station (UGWS) MK19 40 MM / .50 CAL M2 machine guns. AAV crewmen prepare AAVs for the tactical employment of troops and equipment during ship to shore movement and subsequent operations ashore,
Mission: To train entry level Marines for service as an Assault Amphibian Crewman for the AAV family of vehicles.
• 55 Training Days
– Lecture/Demonstration = 64.5 Hrs
– Practical Application = 201.5 Hrs
– Performance and Written Exams = 121/9 Hrs
– Field Hours = 15 Days
• Frequency = 10 per year
• Max Capacity = 45 Marines
• Highlights
– Individual Water Survival (Week 1)
– Vehicle Basics (Land and Water) (Week 2-5)
– UGWS & Gunnery (Week 6-8.5)
– Tactics (Land and Water) (Week 8.5-11)
2141 MOS
Upon completion of Basic Repairer Course a marine will be awarded the military occupational specialty of 2141. The purpose of this course is to train the AAV repairer/technician, under supervision, to perform basic automotive and hull duties incident to inspection, maintenance, and repair of the AAV family of vehicles. The AAV repairer/technician also completes basic shop administrative forms and records utilizing technical manuals.
Mission: To train Marines in the required skills necessary for duty as a basic Assault Amphibian Vehicle Repairman.
• 78 training days
– Lecture/Demonstration = 136 Hrs
– Practical application = 251.5 Hrs
– Performance and Written Exams = 168/13 Hrs
– Field = 8 Days
• Frequency = 5 per year
• Max Capacity = 35 Marines
• Highlights
– Swim & Submerged Vehicle Egress - (Week 1)
– Basic Land and Water Operations (Week 2-4.5)
– Maintenance Fundamentals (Week 4.5-8.5)
– R7 & Recovery Operations (Week 8.5-9.5)
– Engine, Power Plant & Transmission (Week 9.5-16)