Engineering Equipment Instructional Company
Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
Engineering Equipment Training Company
EETC trains Marines on the use, operation, and maintenance of heavy equipment, as well as the performance of assisting functions like drafting and surveying.
Technical Engineering Course
This course teaches Marines how to be 1361 Engineering Assistants, where they learn the fundamental skills of drafting, surveying, and more.
• Phase 1- Students receive orientation. Students receive instruction on manual drafting, building materials and methods of construction
• Phase 2- Students receive instruction on computer aided drafting to include mechanical, dimensional and architectural drafting.
• Phase 3- Students receive instruction on vertical control survey.
• Phase 4- Students receive instruction on horizontal control survey.
• Phase 5- Students receive instruction on GPS instruments and static control surveying.
• Phase 6- Students receive instruction on site planning to include creating and designing a site plan using computer software.
• Phase 7- Students receive instruction on introduction and designing roads.
• Phase 8- Students receive instruction on introduction to buildings and utility layouts.
• Phase 9- Students receive instruction on project control.
• Phase 10- Students receive instruction on radial surveying.
• Phase 11- Students receive instruction on civil design and layout of helicopter landing zone's, runways and staging lots.
*Phases 1-8 are conducted in a inter service environment
Basic Engineer Equipment Operator
Marines learn to operate forklifts, backhoes, bulldozers, and other equipment, earning the 1345 MOS.
• Phase 1- Students receive orientation. Students receive instruction on records and forms and shop safety.
• Phase 2- Students receive instruction on crew/organizational level maintenance, safety and fundamentals of operation for the LCRTF 5K forklift.
• Phase 2a-Students conduct loading / unloading of military aircraft.
• Phase 3- Students receive instruction on crew/organizational level maintenance, safety and fundamentals of operation for the MMV forklift.
• Phase 4- Students receive instruction on crew/organizational level maintenance, safety and fundamentals of operation for the 624KR TRAM forklift.
• Phase 5- Students receive instruction on crew/organizational level maintenance, safety and fundamentals of operation for the 420E Backhoe Loader.
• Phase 6- Students receive instruction on crew/organizational level maintenance, safety and fundamentals of operation for the MCT 850JR Medium Crawler Tractor.
• Phase 7- Students receive instruction on crew/organizational level maintenance, safety and fundamentals of operation for the D6K Crawler tractor.
• Phase 8- Students receive instruction on crew/organizational level maintenance, safety and fundamentals of operation for the 120M Motorized Road Grader.
Construction Equipment Repairer Course
Marines learn how to repair Marine Corps engineering equipment, including bulldozers, backhoes, material handling and earthmoving equipment, and more. They earn the MOS of 1341 upon completion of the course.
• Phase 1- Students receive orientation and instruction on shop safety, equipment characteristics, capabilities and administration.
• Phase 2- Students receive instruction on fundamentals of basic electricity, wiring schematics, components, starting systems and charging systems.
• Phase 3- Students receive instruction on fundamentals of diesel engines, disassembly, assembly and diesel engine troubleshooting.
• Phase 4- Students receive instruction on fundamentals of hydraulics, cylinders, pumps, valves, accumulators and hydraulic schematics.
• Phase 5- Students receive instruction on fundamentals of power trains, torque converters, power-shift transmissions, differentials, axles and final drives.
• Phase 6- Students receive instruction on fundamentals of brake systems, air actuated brakes and assisted brakes.
Phases 2-6 are conducted in a inter service environment.