Marine Corps Engineer School
Camp Lejeune, NC
The Marine Corps Engineer School (MCES) delivers approved engineer focused programs of instruction at the entry and supervisory levels in order to prepare officer and enlisted engineers for duty with the Operating Forces. There are two entry level enlisted components at Marine Corps Engineer School, which is located at the Courthouse Bay area of Camp Lejeune, NC – Utilities Instruction Company and Engineer Instruction Company.
Engineer Instruction Company includes the Basic Combat Engineer Course. This course provides entry-level instruction in Mobility, Countermobility, Survivability, Demolitions, Reconnaissance, and General Engineering: Privates through Lance Corporal who are assigned to OccFld 1300 attending this course will graduate with a designation of 1371.
The Basic Combat Engineer Course course focuses on developing skills in engineer reconnaissance; obstacle emplacement; breaching operations to include reducing explosive hazards; mine/countermine operations; demolitions and military explosives; urban breaching; route clearance; designing and constructing survivability positions; performing expedient vertical and horizontal construction; designing, constructing and maintaining base camps/forward operating bases and combat outposts; minesweeping and explosives detection, patrolling, and fighting as provisional infantry.
Utilities Instruction Company prepares officers and enlisted personnel for duty with the Operating Force by developing and presenting formal instruction and practical application in the 11xx Utilities Military Occupational Specialties at the entry-level, noncommissioned officer level, and supervisory level. Entry Level Courses include Basic Electrician Course, Basic Engineer Equipment Electrical System Technician Course, Basic Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Technician Course, and Basic Water System Technician Course.
Basic Electrician Course:
This course is designed to impart the knowledge and skills required to provide electrical support to the Marine Corps. The course consists of instruction on the characteristics, capabilities, operation, and preventive maintenance of electrical power generation and load test equipment; along with electrical distribution systems and floodlights. Instruction is also provided on safety, electrical theory, installation and repair of interior wiring, and electrical distribution systems (wiring and hardware), use and care of hand tools, and maintenance management documentation. Graduates of the course are licensed on all Marine Corps Generators, power distribution systems, load banks and floodlights. Marines will graduate with MOS 1141.
Basic Engineer Equipment Electrical System Technician Course:
This course is designed to impart the knowledge, skills, and abilities to troubleshoot and repair the electrical circuits and systems of all engineer equipment (and some general supply equipment) at the organizational and intermediate levels of maintenance. The course consists of instruction on electrical theory; solid state devices and power supplies; use and care of Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE); troubleshooting techniques; and reading and analyzing electrical schematics and wiring diagrams to diagnose and repair electrical circuits. Instruction is also provided on safety; use and care of hand tools; soldering; and maintenance management forms. Marines will graduate with MOS 1142.
Basic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technician Course:
This course is designed to impart the knowledge and skills to troubleshoot and repair refrigeration and air conditioning systems at organizational and intermediate (field level) maintenance activities and provide refrigeration and air conditioning support to the Marine Corps. The course consists of instruction on the characteristics, capabilities, operation, and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. Instruction is also provided on safety, electrical theory, refrigeration theory, use and care of Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE), refrigerant recovery qualification, use and care of hand tools, brazing, soldering, and maintenance management forms. Graduates of the course are certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as Section 608 Type I and Type II technicians under the Clean Air Act. Marines graduate the course able to operate all Marine Corps mobile Environmental Control Units (ECUs) and Air Conditioning Systems. They are awarded the MOS 1161 at Graduation.
Basic Water System Technician Course:
This course is designed to impart the knowledge and skills to provide water and hygiene support to the Marine Corps. The course consists of instruction on the characteristics, capabilities, operation, maintenance, and repair of water tanks, pumps, and purification equipment; along with shower and laundry facilities. Instruction is also provided on safety, water quality analysis, electrical support requirements, water source and point development, water storage and distribution, plumbing, use and care of hand tools, and maintenance management forms. Marines will learn how to operate all Marine Corps water purification and storage systems, as well as all equipment that operates off water (including laundry and shower units). Graduates will receive MOS 1171.