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Military Police Instructional Company

Ft. Leonard Wood, MO

Military Police Instructional Company enhances operating forces readiness by providing skilled Marines in Military Police disciplines, while developing, sustaining, and synchronizing the training and education continuum.

MPIC provides entry level pipeline and lateral move Marines the knowledge and skills to become disciplined, motivated and capable of performing the duties and responsibilities of MOS 5811, Military Police through the Military Police Basic Course.

To train students with the skills necessary to function in the Operating Force and Supporting Establishment during peacetime and time of conflict. The students will receive instruction and pratical application in the following areas related to the missions of the Military Police: Law Enforcement Operations, Law and Order Operations, Detainee / Corrections Operations, Law Enforcement Support to Mission Assurance Operations.

Key Training Events
Sergeant Instructors
Pre-OCS Checklist
Basic Daily Routine
Eating at OCS
Living in the Squadbay
5 Paragraph Order
Getting Ready
What Can I Bring with Me?
Staying in Touch
PT Plans
OCS Knowledge
Knowledge Check
Family Day
Pro Tips
The Rumor Mill
Counseling Call
Honor Grad Principles
Reading Materials
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