The Marine Corps provides a wide range of services for Marines covering every aspect of your life in the military.
The government provides debt relief and the VA underwrites home loans that help Marines buy homes with little money down.
Many of America's businesses and corporations provide free or discounted services that help Marines save money.

The VA Loan allows Marines to purchase a home as a primary residence with as little as $0 down. The VA underwrites the loan, so there is no mortgage insurance and more flexibility with applicants.
The VA charges a funding fee - the rate is based on the amount of money down at signing. The funding fee can be rolled into the purchase price, keep the cash required at signing low.
If used properly, the VA loan can be a powerful wealth building tool, helping Marines purchase a home for less than $3,000.
The VA loan can only be used for primary residences, and typically one property at a time.
The VA Loan is also available to Veterans, so once you have earned eligibility, you have access to this powerful tool forever.
To learn more about the VA loan, click here.

Marines can enroll in Servicemember's Group Life Insurance, known as SGLI, immediately upon joining. For $29 a month, Marines can receive $400,000 in coverage.
Upon leaving the military, you can have your policy converted to Veteran's Group Life Insurance, or VGLI. It is roughly $32 a month for the same coverage.
Marines can elect not to enroll in life insurance through the military, and may select shop for policies elsewhere if they are interested.
In the event of tragedy, the Marines provide the primary next of kin a one-time lump sum Death Gratuity of $100,000 regardless of SGLI coverage. The Marines will also handle all funeral proceedings, expenses, and associated requirements.

Every Marine Base will usually have these facilities and base services at a minimum:
Gyms and Fitness Facilities
Providing weights, cardio, combatives, yoga studios, pools, tracks, and more. Physical fitness is extremely important to Marines, and each base will have at least one gym open to Marines and their family.
Bowling Alley
Don't ask us why, but most bases have a bowling alley, league, and lessons.
Movie Theater
Every Base has a theater that plays new releases and classics on weekends, and doubles as a lecture hall during the work week.
Marine Corps Exchange (MCX or PX)
No better way to describe this than a tax free Walmart selling everything you could possibly need at a discount. Proceeds pay for base services.
The Commissary sells groceries and home supplies.
Single Marine Program (SMP)
SMP organizes unique travel opportunities for Marines such as ski trips, sporting events, and more. It is organized by a unit's Marines and available to Marines of all ranks.
Child Development Center (CDC)
The DOD provides schools and daycare centers at most installations, enabling working parents to ensure their children are looked after throughout the day.
Hobby Shops
A hidden gem, some bases offer auto and wood hobby shops that teach Marines how to work on cars or woodworking projects.

Life has its stressful moments, regardless of your service. The Marine Corps has provided counseling tools to help Marines get through them and back into the fight.
New Parent Support Program (NPSP)
NPSP helps Marines with newborns learn how to balance the challenges of a new addition to the family and being a working parent.
Mental Health Unit (MHU)
Certified counselors confidentially address issues ranging from PTSD and depression to stress management and more.
Substance Abuse Control Center (SACC)
The SACC provided counseling and rehabilitation opportunities for Marines who may be struggling with drugs or alcohol.
Each Unit has a chaplain, a non-denominational leader who will guide Marines and their families in prayer, counseling, or more.
CREDO/Family Enrichment
Chaplains lead a family enrichment program that enables Marines and their families to take vacations and reconnect to ensure a healthy home life.
Financial Counseling
Marines can receive financial counseling from certified financial planners to plan for retirement or other of life's big moments

Marines are protected by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, or SCRA. The SCRA has been around since the Civil War. Marines who are in debt may also receive aid from the nonprofit Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, which helps Marines out of debt.
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
The SCRA is a federal law protecting active-duty personnel from collections actions.
The SCRA reduces interest rates on debt acquired before joining the military. For example, if you have student loans at a 7% rate, under SCRA they will be lowered. Many banks will refund or cease collecting interest on debts once you request relief.
The SCRA allows Marines to terminate leases, rental agreements, phone bills, and other contracts if they receive military orders that require them to relocate.
Navy Marine Corps Relief Society
The NMCRS is a non-profit that provides interest free loans, financial counseling, medical treatment, and other services to help provide debt relief to Marines, Sailors, and veterans.

Ranging from clothing stores to vacation companies, many companies provide military discounts or other benefits you can take advantage of. We have compiled a list of examples and resources below. Enjoy!
Companies like Nike, Lowes, Best Buy, Autozone, Carharrtt, Microsoft, Verizon and more have military discounts every day. Click here for a full list.
Every Veteran's Day, hundreds of companies have Free events and promotions or military members.
Chase and American Express waive annual fees for cards like the Sapphire Reserve or Platinum Card, putting free money in your pocket every year.
America has been very generous with the perks they provide. In addition to those mentioned above:
Southwest Airlines has special fares for military
Military luggage flies free on most airlines
Early boarding on most flights as active military
Free public transit in most cities