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Parris Island

The Recruit Training Regiment at MCRD Parris Island consists of 5 Recruit Battalions and a Regimental Headquarters.

Recruit Battalions are made of Recruit Training Companies and a Headquarters Company

1st Recruit Training Battalion - Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta Companies (1000 series Platoons)

2nd Recruit Training Battalion - Echo, Fox, Golf, Hotel Companies (2000 series Platoons)

3rd Recruit Training Battalion - Kilo, India, Lima, Mike Companies (3000 series Platoons)

4th Recruit Training Battalion - November, Oscar, Papa Companies (4000 series Platoons)

Support Battalion - Instructional Training Company, Special Training Company, Recruit Processing Company

Regimental Headquarters - Drill Instructor School

First Battalion
"Ab Uno Disce Fidelis"
From the First Comes Faithfulness

Within 1st Recruit Training Battalion, there are four companies: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta.


Each company contains an average of six platoons with 60 to 80 recruits per platoon. 

The battalion was established on Aug. 6, 1940, 25 years after Parris Island was first designated as a Marine Corps Recruit Depot.


Since its origin, 1st Recruit Training Battalion has remained the only battalion on Parris Island that has been in continuous service as a male recruit training battalion.

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Charlie Company.png
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Second Battalion
"Second to None"

Within 2nd Recruit Training Battalion (RTBn), there are four companies: Echo, Fox, Golf and Hotel.

Each company contains an average of six platoons with 60 to 80 recruits per platoon.

In August 1940, the depot initiated the battalion training system to expedite the processing of recruits. The 2nd RTBn. was commissioned Aug. 7, 1940, and became an active command on Sept. 12, 1940.

When the armed forces were integrated in 1949, 2nd RTBn. was the first battalion to train black recruits. In September of that year, black recruits were integrated into regular platoons.

Third Battalion
"Spirit & Discipline"

Within 3rd Recruit Training Battalion, there are four companies: India, Kilo, Lima, and Mike. Each company contains an average of six, 60 to 80-recruit platoons.

3rd RTBn. was initially formed on Aug. 7, 1940, and existed throughout World War II until it was deactivated on Jun. 18, 1947. 

In February 1949, the battalion was reactivated and was used exclusively to train women Marines until May 7, 1954, when a separate women's training battalion was formed (4th Recruit Training Battalion), and male recruits and instructors from 4th RTBn. were redesignated as the 3rd RTBn.

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Fourth Battalion

Within 4th Recruit Training Battalion (RTBn), there are three companies: November, Oscar and Papa. Each company contains an average of two 50- to 60-recruit platoons. 4th RTBn is the only battalion that trains female recruits on either coast.

Female Marines have trained on Parris Island since Feb. 23, 1949, when 3rd RTBn was activated. On May 1, 1954, 3rd RTBn was redesignated as Woman Recruit Training Battalion and remained under this designation until 1976 when it was redesignated as Woman Recruit Training Command.


At that time, Woman Recruit Training Command moved to a new battalion complex, which it still occupies.


On Nov. 1, 1986, Woman Recruit Training Command was redesignated as 4th RTBn and became part of the Recruit Training Regiment.


During January 1989, the 3rd RTBn companies were redesignated as November and Oscar Companies due to reorganization of the regiment. In October 1996, Papa Company was activated in order to more effectively train the larger number of female recruits arriving on Parris Island.


The 4th RTBn complex was expanded in November 2001 with the addition of a new barracks.

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Oscar Company
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