Pugil Sticks

This event will pit recruits against each other in controlled, timed bouts. This event is an oppurtunity to practice martial arts techniques they have learned and to introduce violence in a controlled environment. Pugil Sticks will lay the groundwork to build confidence in further martial arts training.
Platoons will arrive at the training location to stage their weapons and gear in formation. Recruits will remove their blouse, ensure their pockets are emptied, and have their mouthpieces in hand before recieving further instructions. DIs will conduct a demonstration of a bout to include the proper commands and strikes which will be utilized during the event. Recruits will be lined up in accordance with their weight so each recruit has a bout with an individual within 10 pounds of their body weight.
Prior to entering the ring, each recruit will be provided a pugil stick, hockey gloves, football helmet, protective vest, and gender appropriate safety equipment. Drill Instructors will emphasize the use of techniques taught during Martial Arts training periods, specifically bayonet techniques. Each bout will last no more than 60 seconds.