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Series Commander's Inspection

Series Commander's Inspection

The first of three formal inspections which will be stood by recruits. This inspection is led by the First Lieutenant or Captain responsible for each platoon. Series Commanders will expect the impeccable bearing, uniform wear, discipline, and military knowledge. Recruits will typically wear their MARPAT uniform and have their rifle on hand. Chaos will also come in the form of Drill Instructors who will provide unique atmosphere for the completion of this event. If recruits fail to perform, they can expect a hasty trip to the IT pit or quarterdeck.

Key Training Events
Sergeant Instructors
Pre-OCS Checklist
Basic Daily Routine
Eating at OCS
Living in the Squadbay
5 Paragraph Order
Getting Ready
What Can I Bring with Me?
Staying in Touch
PT Plans
OCS Knowledge
Knowledge Check
Family Day
Pro Tips
The Rumor Mill
Counseling Call
Honor Grad Principles
Reading Materials
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