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OSO FTX from  Cpl. Clarence Leake.jpg

Talking to an OSO

The First Step

The Officer Selection Officer, also known as the OSO, is going to be your advocate for all things regarding commissioning through the OCC or PLC programs. Their job is to help you pass all the screening processes, sign a contract, and attend OCS.

How and when should you meet with an OSO? How can you contact one?

Read on to learn more.

OSO Meeting from Lance Cpl. Zachary Beat

When Should I Contact an OSO?

You can begin communicating with the OSO as soon as you have interest in becoming an Marine Officer.  Whether you are a college freshmen or working on Wall Street in your 20s, you can speak with an OSO.  Though they will generally focus on OCC and PLC accessions, the OSO will be able to assist you with information on any of the commissioning programs.  

Depending on your goals, you should reach out to a recruiter about 6-12 months before you are ready to start your journey. The earlier you contact your recruiter, the more options you'll have regarding contract options, selecting a ship date, and overall preparation.

You can reach out to a recruiting office earlier to start training. Generally, we recommend reaching out to an OSO around 16 and a half or 17 years old if you're in high school. If you're out of high school and considering pursuing a commission, reach out to a recruiter whenever you want to learn more.

OSO Twin Cities at Event from Lance Cpl.
OSO LA at Event from  Master Sgt. Jason

How To Contact an OSO

Speaking to an OSO Doesn't Mean You Have to Join the Marines

Sitting down with a recruiter is the first step to learning exactly what your options are for signing up.


They will help you understand if the Marines are right for you, if you are right for the Marines, what contract options are available, and possible timelines for your journey.

To get in contact with a recruiter you can dial 1-800-MARINES from your phone, text 627463 (MARINE) or 843339(THEFEW), visit, or walk into your nearest recruiting station.

Meeting an OSO

Marine Recruiters are everywhere - you'll see them at the mall, at sporting events, at your school's career day, and more.


In your first conversation with a recruiter, the recruiter will be trying to get to know you and understand who you are. They may tell you a bit about the Marine Corps but won't try very hard to actively recruit you.

This is because recruiters don't just want whoever walks into the office - they want to make sure they only invest their time in prospects that are capable, serious, driven, and genuinely have the potential to become Marines - this is doubly true with potential officer candidates.

After a brief conversation where they will assess your desires and goals, they will send you home with some pamphlets and other information to review.

It's a big decision, so sleep on it.

If you are serious, go to their office a few days later. You can either set up a time or show up on your own. This will start the process of interviews, workouts, and discussing your personal situation to determine the commissioning program best for you.


100 Black Men Event from Lance Cpl. Jess
Key Training Events
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